==== PhenomHM PE Steps ==== For PE studies of PhenomHM model, the plan is to inject a bunch of different NR waveforms with varying intrinsic parameters (mass-ratio/spin) in zero-noise and to recover with IMRPhenomHM. The steps involved in setting up a run are: - Create h5 file with the NR raw Psi4 data. - Create gravitational wave frame files for the above h5 file with a given set of sky-position/ channel and frame-names. - Set up the PE run with appropriate pipeline file. As the first step, we need to review the h5 creation code and frame file creation code. The code for creating h5 file is here: @MINION:/home/spx8sk/projects/lvcnrpy/new-h5/phenHM-210517/nrutils-make-nrh5-NEW-May2017-q8s0-BAM.py And the frame creation code is here: @ARCCA:/home/c1549390/work/PhenomHM_pe/src/make-zero-noise-frame-aLIGOZeroDet-BAM.sh OR make-zero-noise-frame-aLIGOZeroDet-CO2-BAM.sh The difference between the two frame creation codes is that the first one uses the O1 channel/frame names whereas the second one uses O2. Things to finalise before staring PE runs: - Fix the sky-position to use in all the runs - Should we use aLIGOZeroDetHighPower PSD, or something more realistic? If so, how do we go about getting the PSDs to use? - Effect of changing channel/frame names on the recovery of sky-position - which means we need to fix which channels and frames to use consistently.