Welcome to the Cardiff University Gravity Exploration Institute Wiki! Welcome to the wiki for the Cardiff University Gravity Exploration Institute, part of the [[https://www.astro.cf.ac.uk/|School of Physics and Astronomy]] of [[http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/|Cardiff University]]. Our institute is a member of the [[http://www.ligo.org/|LIGO Scientific Collaboration]], involved in the search for gravitational waves in data from the [[http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/|LIGO]], [[http://geo600.aei.mpg.de/|GEO600]], and [[http://www.virgo.infn.it/|Virgo]] gravitational-wave detectors. We also pursue research into gravitational-wave phenomenology and source modeling using numerical relativity. This wiki shares content for the Gravitational Physics group and its collaborators. Various content is secured using the Shibboleth authentication system, so please [[#Login|login]] if you are registered. All members of the Cardiff University, and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration should be able to login using the buttons below, others please register. ====== Group pages ====== * [[cardiff:guide|Useful things to know]]: A list of all sorts of things that are good to know when you first join the group, from setting up printers, to collecting keys, to getting a ligo.org account. * [[cardiff:computing:|Computing info]] * [[sysad:|Systems administration]] * [[cardiff:GWLab|Lab wiki]]: A place with information pertinent to the GW Lab that doesn't change much over time. * [[cardiff:GWLecture|GW Lecture materials]] ====== Public pages ====== * [[public:|Public home page]] * [[public:seminars|Gravitational physics seminar series]] * [[public:lectures|Project students/postgrad lecture series]] * [[public:gwgrb|Conference page from Gravitational Wave--Gamma Ray Burst workshop]] * [[public:benchmark|Code benchmarking]] ====== Department-wide wiki pages ====== * [[physx:|PHYSX Home Page]] ====== Collaborations ====== [[collaborations: | Collaborations home page]] * [[collaborations:lvc:start|LIGO-Virgo]] * [[collaborations:lvc:arcca:userguide|ARCCA computing]] * [[collaborations:lvc:cpc|Cardiff Physics Cluster (Leo)]] ====== External links ====== * [[gravity>/ganglia|Coma cluster monitoring (ganglia)]] * [[gravity>/cgit|Local git repositories (cgit)]] * [[gravity>/websvn|Local SVN repositories (WebSVN)]] ([[https://alexandria.astro.cf.ac.uk/websvn/? | Old web svn]]) * [[gravity>/nut/|UPS State (nut)]] ====== Help ====== * [[help:git|Shibboleth-authenticated git access]] * [[help:lalsuite|Installing or Building LALSuite]] ====== Login ====== All members of Cardiff University and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration should click the links below to login using their credentials for that group. Others should [[/?do=login|login]] or [[/?do=register|register]]. print '
'.NL; $hostname = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; $returnadr = isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) ? $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] : "https://".$hostname."/dokuwiki"; $ligologosrc = '/_media/ligologo80x60.png'; $culogosrc = '/_media/cu_logo.gif'; print "CU login".NL; print "   "; print "LIGO login"; print "
"; print "
====== Support ====== If you have any questions or issues, please e-mail ''''. ===== Outdated pages ===== * [[cardiff:LVK2022|LVK2022]] * [[cardiff:group_meetings:|Group meetings]] * [[cardiff:journal_club:|Journal Club]] * [[cardiff:visitors:|Upcoming Visitors]] * //[[cardiff:spare_desks|"Are there any spare desks in here?"]]// * [[https://www.astro.cf.ac.uk/local/53_mrbs/day.php?area=1&room=1|Room booking for 53 The Parade]]