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Gravitational Physics Seminar Series

The Gravitational Physics seminar series is advertised and archived on the School of Physics website, this page serves as a repository for archiving the slides from past talks.

Current term

Speaker Affiliation Date Title
Emma Robinson CEH 5th June 2015 Land-surface modelling: understanding evaporation
Andrew Williamson Cardiff 22nd May 2015 The advanced LIGO detectors in the run up to first observations
Ruth Gregory Durham 15th May 2015 Black Holes and Vacuum Decay
Anne Green Nottingham 8th May 2015 Handling astrophysical uncertainties on WIMP direct detection
Will Farr Birmingham 1st May 2015 Big Models: Extracting Information from Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Inspirals
Wynn Ho Southampton 24th April 2015 Pinning down the superfluid and measuring masses using pulsar glitches
Jade Powell Glasgow 17th April 2015 Classification methods for noise transients in advanced gravitational-wave detectors
Sean Leavey Glasgow 27th March 2015 Surpassing Heisenberg's Limit in Gravitational Wave Interferometers
Kyriaki Dionysopoulou Southampton 13th March 2015 Towards a General Relativistic Resistive-MHD Modelling of Binary Neutron Star Systems
Nial Tanvir Leicester 6th March 2015 Electromagnetic signatures of compact binary mergers
Chiara Caprini IPhT CEA-Saclay 6th February 2015 Cosmology with gravitational wave detection
Alejandro Bohe AEI-Golm 30th January 2015 Quadratic-in-spin effects in the orbital dynamics and gravitational-wave energy flux of compact binaries at the 3PN order
Michael Pürrer Cardiff 23rd January 2015 Reduced order models of gravitational waves from BH binaries and applications
Carl-Johan Haster Birmingham 05th December 2014 Efficient method for measuring parameters and predicting parameter uncertainties (Cardiff only)
Tito Dal Canton AEI Hannover 14th November 2014 Searching for coalescing neutron-star--black-hole binaries with advanced gravitational-wave interferometers (DCC)
Simon Stevenson Birmingham 31st October 2014 Binary black hole spin-orbit resonances: a hint at compact binary formation channels
Valeriu Predoi Cardiff 24th October 2014 From viruses to neutron stars - a kaleidoscopic journey through data analysis methods

Past terms

public/seminars.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/05 07:58 by francesco.pannarale@LIGO.ORG