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Gravitational Physics Seminar Series 2012/2013

Speaker Affiliation Date Title
Pedro Ferreira Oxford Friday 5 October 2012 Testing General Relativity on Cosmological Scales
Erin Macdonald Cardiff Friday 11 October 2012 Data Analysis of Continuous Gravitational Waves in the Advanced Detector Era
Frank Ohme Cardiff Friday October 25 2012 Accurate mesurements with inaccurate waveforms?
(Cardiff group members only)
Kentaro Takami AEI Golm Friday 2 November 2012 Black-hole production from ultrarelativistic collisions
Chris Belczynski Warsaw / Brownsville Friday 9 November 2012 Science with gravitational wave detections
Joao Magueijo Imperial Friday 23 November 2012 Matters of gravity: testing modified gravity in the Solar system
Ian Hawke Southampton Friday 30 November 2012 Numerical simulations for neutron star crusts (Note: use Acrobate Reader to watch the movie.)
Simon Hodgkin Cambridge Friday 11 January 2013 Transient Astronomy with the Gaia Satellite
Oliver Rinne AEI Golm Friday 19 October 2012 Hyperboloidal Einstein-matter evolution and tails for scalar and Yang-Mills fields
David Hilditch Jena Friday 1 February 2013 The development of the Z4c formulation for numerical relativity
Reinhard Prix AEI Friday 22 February 2013 Searching for Periodic Gravitational Waves from Spinning Neutron Stars
Nils Andersson Southampton Friday 8 March 2013 Neutron stars as cosmic laboratories
Chiara Mingarelli Birmingham Friday 5 April 2013 Using Pulsar Timing Arrays to observe the dynamics of supermassive black holes and characterise anisotropy in the gravitational wave background
John Veitch Nikhef Friday 12 April 2013 What will advanced detectors teach us about compact binaries, and how?
Ian Jones Southampton Friday 26 April 2013 Gravitational wave emission from glitching and bursting neutron stars
Drew Keppel AEI Friday 3 May 2013 Confronting computational challenges in gravitational-wave searches
Walter del Pozzo Nikhef Friday 10 May 2013 Measuring the cosmological parameters from gravitational waves observations
Paul O'Brien Leicester Friday 17 May 2013 Observations of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts and future prospects
Christian Reisswig Caltech Friday 24 May 2013 Formation and Coalescence of Cosmological Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Supermassive Star Collapse
Alejandro Bohe UIB Friday 31 May 2013 3.5 PN spin-orbit effects in the phasing of inspiralling compact binaries
public/seminars/2012.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/08 11:23 by frank.ohme@LIGO.ORG