Gravitational Physics Seminar Series 2013/2014
Harald Pfeiffer
CITA Toronto
02nd July 2014
Analytical and numerical modeling of precessing binary black holes
Helvi Witek
DAMTP Cambridge
25th April 2014
Black holes as observatories for beyond-standard model physics
Enrico Barausse
IA Paris
11th April 2014
Astrophysical consequences of Lorentz violations in gravity
Alberto Sesana
AEI Potsdam
28th March 2014
Massive black holes: dynamics, spin evolution and gravitational waves
Laura Nuttall
13th March 2014
Preparing for Advanced LIGO: Characterising Gravitational Wave Interferometers
Geraint Pratten
21th February 2014
Covariant Perturbations of LTB Spacetimes
Tanja Bode
14th February 2014
General Relativistic (M)HD for Neutron Star GW Sources
(only accessible for Cardiff members)
Andrew Lundgren
AEI Hanover
07th February 2014
Understanding Precession Effects in Inspiral Waveforms
Alex Nielsen
AEI Hanover
24th January 2014
Implementation of a search for aligned spinning black hole and neutron star systems
Antoine Petiteau
APC Paris
10th January 2014
Observing Massive Black hole binaries with Gravitational Waves
Francesco Pannarale
13th December 2013
From Neutron Star Structure to Compact Binary Mergers and Back
Timothy Clifton
Queen Mary London
06th December 2013
An exact treatment of back-reaction in relativistic cosmology
Antonia Rowlinson
29th November 2013
Newborn magnetars from the merger of neutron star binaries
Benjamin Farr
22th November 2013
Parameter Estimation in the Advanced-Detector Era
Priscilla Canizares
IoA Cambridge
15th November 2013
Gravitational-Wave Parameter estimation with Reduced Order Quadratures
Adam Day
IOP Publishing
08th November 2013
Publishing in Classical and Quantum Gravity
Mark Hannam
25th October 2013
Generic black-hole-binary waveform models
Tom Adams
11th October 2013
Gravitational-wave detection using multivariate analysis